Apple 'Ontario'

Malus domestica 'Ontario'

Apple 'Ontario'
Large to very large hand, storage, and purée apple. Green-yellow to pale red and blue frosted. Juicy, slightly acidic, slightly spicy.
Rich in Vitamin C.


Blossom time
Soil conditions

Fruit colour
Green-yellow with red blush
Fresh sour
Good apple to eat fresh, purée, juice
Picking season
Season of use
October - December
Growing situation
Blossom colour

Fast grower
Producing fruits after
1-2 year
Not self-pollinating
Malus d. 'Alkmene', Malus d. 'Discovery', Malus d. 'James Grieve'
Disease resistance
Not very disease sensitive
Overall appreciation

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Apple 'Ontario' - Spindle, 2-year

Photo: spindle 2-years, not pruned and pruned
This spindle tree can be used to make a fruit tree with one central stem with side branches, like it is used in commercial orchards
Can also be used for fruit hedges.
€ 21.50

Apple 'Ontario' - Bush, 2-years

Photo: bush, 2-years, before pruning and after pruning
This bush tree can reach a height of 2,5 to 3,5 meter
Convenient for rich and less rich soil
€ 22.50

Apple 'Ontario' - Bush-trained 2-years for espalier

Photo: bush, 2-years convenient for making an espalier, before pruning and after pruning
This bush-trained tree can be used for making an fruit espalier
This bush tree can reach a height of 2,5 to 3,5 meter
€ 23.50

Apple 'Ontario' - Bush, 3 years

€ 25.95

Apple 'Ontario' - Bush, 2-years, in pot

Bush, 2-years, on rootstock M7/M4
This bush tree can reach a height of 2,5 to 3,5 meter
Convenient for rich and less rich soil
Photo: bush, 2-years, before pruning
€ 25.95

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