Apricot 'Tros Oranje'

Prunus armeniaca 'Tros Oranje'

Apricot 'Tros Oranje'
Prunus arm. 'Tros Oranje'

Round, yellow orange apricot with firm flesh.
Strongly growing tree and a good winter hardiness

This article is available in the following version(s)

Apricot 'Tros Oranje' - maiden 2-years

With this maiden form you can make a  bush-tree or spindle tree.
Also convenient for low espaliers (1,5 to 2,5 meter).
€ 24.95

Apricot 'Tros Oranje' - bush, 3-years, in pot

This bush tree can reach a height of 2,5 to 3,5 meter
Convenient for rich soil.
€ 32.95

Apricot 'Tros Oranje' - half-standard, 3 years in pot

This half-standard tree can reach a height of 4 to 5 meters
Recommended planting distance: 5 to 6 meters
€ 33.95

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