Pear 'Bruine Kriekpeer'

Pyrus communis 'Bruine Kriekpeer'

This article is available in the following version(s)

Pear 'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Spindle 1 yr. on Seedling

Photo: maiden 1-year, unpruned and pruned
With this maiden form you can make a 2-year bush-tree or spindle tree
Also convenient for low espaliers (1,5 to 2,5 meter)
€ 17.95
80-100 cm

Pear 'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Spindle, 1 year in pot on seedling

With this maiden form you can make a half-standard or standard tree.
Also convenient for higher espaliers (3 to 5 meter)
€ 19.95
125-150 cm

'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Spindle, 2-year

Photo: spindle 2-years, not pruned and pruned
This spindle tree can be used to make a fruit tree with one central stem with side branches, like it is used in commercial orchards
Can also be used for fruit hedges.
€ 21.50

Pear 'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Spindle, 2 year in pot

With this maiden form you can make a  bush-tree or spindle tree.
Also convenient for low espaliers (1,5 to 2,5 meter).
€ 24.95

Pear 'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Bush, 2-years

Photo: bush, 2-years, before pruning and after pruning
This bush tree can reach a height of 2,5 to 3,5 meter
Convenient for rich and less rich soil
€ 22.50

Pear 'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Bush, 3-years

Bush, 3-years
This bush tree can reach a height of 2,5 to 3,5 meter
Convenient for rich and less rich soil
€ 25.95

Pear 'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Half-standard, 2 years

Photo: bush, 2-years convenient for making an espalier, before pruning and after pruning
This bush-trained tree can be used for making an fruit espalier
This bush tree can reach a height of 2,5 to 3,5 meter
€ 27.75

'Bruine Kriekpeer' - Half-standard, 2 years in pot

Photo : half-standard 2-years, before pruning and after pruning
This half-standard tree can reach a height of 4 to 5 meters
Recommended planting distance: 5 to 6 meters
€ 28.50

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